This blog is created to support conversation generated from and about the learning process for MA Professional Practice (MAPP) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) at Middlesex University.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

RoL: Area of Learning

Here is a great 'metaphor' (allegory) Alan shared with me for thinking about the RoL exercise of Module One:

The whole of what you hand in for your RoL all of your areas of learning make up the territory of your Professional Practice (your Job Description, what your knowledge covers as it were).
Think of each area of learning as a town in that territory.
Within the description of that town you will go into the details of the specific qualities and neighbourhoods in that town. You will also give examples of these qualities or neighbourhoods as evidence. So for instance:

The overall territory of being a Director of a Dance School is my whole portfolio.

Within that one of the areas (towns), RoL is Teaching Ballet Dance Technique

Within this RoL title are particular qualities (neighbourhoods) would be:
1) Understanding warm-up procedure and class structures in order to prevent injury -  I would explain this and evidence might be a lesson plan as approved by the school I work for or a curriculum I have written that is in use or has been used.

2) Understanding the principles of ballet training including notions of pull-up, gender specific movements such as point-work and turn-out -  I would explain this and evidence might be a lesson plan as approved by the school I work for or a curriculum I have written that is in use or has been used.

3) Knowing the history of ballet including the different influences of a variety of countries  - I would explain this and I would explain this and evidence might be within the text giving a brief overview of history and how I use this to influence the dynamic or focus of how I teach particular steps etc...

4) Knowing (and tracing) my own genealogy in terms of my ballet training and understanding how this influences my teaching of technique - I would explain this and evidence might be a part of my CV showing where I have studied, and published texts about those people I have studied with.

5) Knowing how to assess the level of a student's technique and what is appropriate to progress their training and knowledge - I would explain this and evidence might be a curriculum I wrote

What do you think of the allegory?

First post

I have started this blog as a space for reflection. I feel that blogs offer the chance for me to express ideas and for the Reader to digest and comment on them in their own time. Whereas emails seem to be inhibited by a timeline. I think we will use the Link-In group space more in Module Two. This will add to our sites for interaction. What do you think? How do you feel about creating a blog also?